Why we love “effective dates” penciled in
Nothing leads to more stress for buyers and sellers than misunderstandings over when a contract is “effective”. Effective means essentially,...
Document Library
Disclaimer: The Closing Company is not responsible for the accuracy, updated information for forms or any typos found in this...
Leases may require tenantsto be responsible for repairs
Prospective tenants need to read their leases carefully. Some leases now require tenant to be responsible for “wear and tear”...
How low can a real estate contract go?
Pretty low. The only thing remaining to be taken from the buyer was a kidney. Having reviewed hundreds, if not...
The Closing Company, Inc. Awarded FNT 2013 Top Performer Award
In our 10th year, The Closing Company, Inc. is proud to announce it has won Fidelity National Title Insurance Company’s...
How does a “lien search” differ from a “title search”?
“Lien searches”, also know in the settlement industry as “lien letters” , “code searches” or “muni searches” differ from a...
Interest rate Insider : Rates direct from the closing table FEB 2014
What rates are lenders actually closing? They key is to find a competent, hands-on loan officer for your specific scenario. Here is...
Top 4 thing realtors need to know for 2014
Enthusiastic buyers and sellers cannot wait to get back in the game. But realtors who can practice caution and diligence...
Title Search : Frequently asked questions and answers
What is a title search? A title search looks for mortgage, judgments and liens that are public recorded against a...
Shopping for title insurance online? Why your title agency’s underwriter matters
As a small company, we have competed for many years with several title companies for online business. In the last...