On October 3, 2015 the new CFPB Closing Disclosure rule went into effect triggering fundamental changes in the way lender…
R.I.P. “HUD”. After 4+ years of government muddling and 18 months of delays, preparation and stress- inducing industry webinars, the new…
Though realtors broker the majority of real estate transactions, buyers and sellers do often find each other directly and strike…
This question comes up often in Florida’s real estate market when the FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act)…
Foreign national sellers of US real estate can take certain actions in advance of listing their property to ensure a…
With the after-the-crash recovery still in full swing in South Florida, Florida’s condominium associations are also in recovery from financial…
As the “old HUD” heads to that burial ground reserved for long lasting but still confusing government forms, the information…
Every wonder why the word the word “balance” is used on some some contracts? Here are two good reasons using…
The following simple words written into a contract override other language in regard to open permits and make the handling…
Our short video explains some common problems (and solutions) with the Florida FAR/BAR AS IS contract revised 9/2014 that can…